Friday, April 29, 2011

Get your s*&#t together!

Accountability and ambition! Two things I love to see in people. Unfortunately, for me I lack both, to myself. My house is disorganized and cluttered, my laundry pile stands a foot tall and I have gained back all the weight I lost. My intentions are good, I make great plans and lists, but have trouble following through with the plan. I think a lot of it has to do with my rebellious spirit. For so many years growing up I was told what to do, when to do, and for how long to do now that I am an adult and do not have to answer to anyone I have become a lazy rebel. Lazy rebel...funny. 
I plan to use this blog as an accountability partner. I love to write and express myself in this art form so why not? 
I have lots of great new things coming in my life. We are moving to a nicer place, I am excited to have a home that will be finished. No more crappy unfinished wood floors that I try to hide with a more tripping over the ripped linoleum while entering the kitchen. I think this new place will inspire me to finally put the touches I have always wanted to in a place of my own. 
So as I leave this entry for today my goal today is to do several loads of laundry and tackle the dining room (thank you sweet CMH for your encouragement). My poor table is no longer a place to sit and eat, rather a catch all of papers and junk. I will not stop til I see bare wood!